Chevrah Kadisha
Adult Education Program
What is Chevrah Kadisha? Among Ashkenazi Jews, the Chevrah Kadisha, a mutual beneficial society, was established to properly prepare a body for burial in accordance with Jewish law and custom. Hevra Kadisha is from the Aramaic, literally the holy brotherhood. It also involves sitting with the body until the funeral.
This event will feature Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, Director of the Vaad Harobonim of Queens, one of New York State’s experts on all things Chevrah Kadisha. The $10 brunch, prepared by Victor Torres, begins at 10:00 am.
Rabbi Zohn will begin at 10:30 am teaching participants about the holy task and honor associated with the Chevrah Kadisha.
What questions do you have about this sacred work? How do we prepare our loved ones for burial? When did Jewish communities begin this practice? Is anyone eligible to be part of the Chevrah Kadisha? We would like you to consider getting involved with this work.
Send questions to Rabbi Geoffrey Brown for our Q&A portion of the program at
For more information, please contact Temple Israel at (607) 723-7461 or by email at