Join Us - Become a Member
Our congregation is truly about its people.
Temple Concord offers a welcoming and inclusive Reform Jewish experience. We are a diverse and multifaceted community, ready to embrace you however you want to participate.
Your membership in Temple Concord, will broaden your connections and engagement in the Greater Binghamton community.

Our Jewish values drive us to support a vibrant Jewish community financially, spiritually and by our participation. Temple Concord exists today because previous generations recognized and fulfilled their responsibility toward its preservation. An engaged membership is essential to fulfill the basic functions we have come to expect from a Temple.
Membership includes access to all Temple activities, buildings and services and officiating by a Rabbi when customary. This includes life cycle events and High Holy Day Services. Membership also includes eligibility for B’nai Mitzvah instruction and conversion classes.
When you are ready to join our Temple Concord family, the Membership Committee will provide you with an Application for Membership and work with you to address a financial commitment that is within your financial capability and comfort level. In addition to feeling that you have a spiritual place of refuge in these challenging times, you will know that your membership is a commitment to the sharing of expenses of Temple Concord which makes this possible.
The Membership Committee is here to answer any questions you may have about Temple Concord. We look forward to talking with you. Please contact the Temple Concord office at 607-723-7355 or email DeLorme Smith, our Operation’s Manager, at
Looking forward to getting to know each other.